How to install the Add to Calendar Button with WordPress

Step 1: Install the plugin

Install the official package from the WordPress Plugin Directory.

  • You can find it directly from the "Plugins" page within your admin dashboard.
    Search for: add2cal
  • Alternatively, you can download it here and upload the zip file to your WordPress system. OR you unzip and upload the plugin manually into your wp-content/plugins/ directory.

Step 2: Activate it

At your WordPress "Plugins" page, activate the plugin.

Step 3: Use it

A: Block

Simply use the "Block" within the WordPress Gutenberg Block Editor.

  1. Add a new block and search for "Add to Calendar Button".
  2. Click at the appearing button.
  3. Add the attributes of your choice at the input on the right side "Block" settings.

B: Shortcode

Alternatively, you can also use the shortcode [add-to-calendar-button] and add the attributes directly to it:

[add-to-calendar-button name="Title" options="'Apple','Google'" startDate="2024-07-27" description="Description with {b}bold{/b} text."]

Mind that you cannot use '[' and ']' characters in this case! For content formatting, you can use {*} instead of [*].

Yes, it is that simple.

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